Start your H
Personalized Onboarding!

Freelancer – I’m an individual with a VAT number who is seeking missions for myself.
Let’s get you started.
1. Sign Up.
- Click on the registration link
at the bottom of the page. - Fill in your personal information, it takes a minute.
2. Explore New Job Opportunities.
- Once registered, unlock your access to exciting new jobs.
- Browse and apply for projects that pique your interest.
3. Go to work.
- When selected, kick off your new freelance job.
- Manage your mission seamlessly on the platform.

Service Companies – I’m a talent provider who wants to source missions for my consultants.
Join our platform, it’s a breeze.
1. Provide company info.
- Click on the registration link,
so we can learn about you.
- Share your company details and contact information.
2. We’ll register you.
- We check your data and register you on the platform.
- We might contact you for updates and extra information.
3. Find jobs and SoW projects.
- Once registered, access new business opportunities.
- Log in, explore, and apply
for work for your experts.

Companies – I’m a talent seeker who wants to source and manage consultants to fulfil my missions.
Happy to connect! Let’s move forward together.
1. Share your contact information.
- Click on the link,
to connect with our team.
- Share business and contact info, so we can follow up.
2. Tell us more about your needs.
- Briefly describe your
external talent needs. - Add specific questions,
info about issues, rules, …
3. We’ll reach out ASAP.
- Our sales team checks your request and contacts you.
- We set a meeting to see
how we can move forward.